Monday, August 6, 2007

What I said, I should not have said.

Once you've said it you can't take it back An Englishman once penned "Spoken in haste, Sir and instantly regretted." How true, how true. I accused my son of a lot of stuff today that I had no real basis to accuse him of. I just had some fuzzy suspicions. He looked at me in shock I could see it in his eyes; they are very expressive.

I can't take back the sharp, pointed, hurtful, spiteful sentences. They are indelibly recorded in his mind. In time I hope he forgets what I said in that moment of anger; hope that he will forgives me for my groundless accusations. I can say "I'm sorry," but will he ever believe me? Only time will tell.

Son, I really do love you. I don't know what made me say all those things. Just believe me.


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