Thursday, August 30, 2007

“Divorce is the one human tragedy that reduces everything to cash." Rita Mae Brown 1944-, Amer. writer

It's that infamous word that rocks and destroys our culture—Divorce. The single mom with several kids trying to make a go of it; a single dad try to raise a daughter and has no clue as to how he will handle the teenage years. How did it start? Were the two people who said, "I do" one moment, entirely wrong several years later? Did the luster wear off? Did the music stop playing? Did we make a mistake and when did we notice it?

What about the children? What about them? I have my own happiness to be concerned about. He/she doesn't love me anymore. I don't love him/her. I can't stand him/her. He/she doesn't understand me. I just want to get out. What about the children? What about them? So many questions, too few answers.

They will learn to understand, or will they? They children will never understand—nor will their grandparents who saw all this unfolding but were powerless. Powerless, as in stopping an avalanche or stopping a ship about to run aground. What happened to all the happy moments of the marriage, were they swept under the rug? Who should get the award for "best actor" or "best actress"? What will the children get? Nightmares and more nightmares! They're too young to understand, they are too fragile, they will get swept under the rug as well.
