Monday, August 6, 2007

Monday, August 06, 2007

1.) God has given us the most perfect body we will ever have when we are born. From that point on, we nurture, test, strengthen it, and let it mature. What and when we feed it, exercise or lack of it, abuse or mistreat it are our own decisions. We can "be what all we can be" or we could be the looser "I could have been a contender" and cry in our beer. Life has many paths and whichever ones we daily choose will determine how we have lived our life. We may try and go back to that point of choice, the "fork it the road" but it maybe extremely difficult of not impossible. So "choose wisely" the first time around.

2.) We live in a great, grand world; it is extremely vast and picturesque. The technology of today has permitted us to use these resources and to travel to all corners of this county. America the beautiful is no understatement. As a nation we should take care and be careful with our desire to tap into our reserves and exploit our natural resources. We should choose our national ambitions wisely.

3.) Grandchildren are a wonderful gift from God. As parents we find ourselves too busy to appreciate the subtle moments of wonder and grace. But as grandparents we can take the opportunity and time to see the inner workings of their minds as they develop and evolve; we can see their fears, happiness and of course their desires which can be from the very simple to bordering on the outrageous. Hopefully we won't let these moments slip by as well. As grandparents we should choose these precious moments wisely.

4.) The Washroom/Restroom/Toilet in aircraft is ridiculously small. It's claustrophobic. It needs to be this way because so much stuff is packed it including a baby changing station. It is also the last item designed for an aircraft; sort of an afterthought. There are maniacs out there that wish to join the Mile High Club. In my wildest dreams and fantasies I don't see how they could possibly do it. Part contortionist, part lust, part depravation, maybe all three. Perhaps they should choose a place for an interlude more wisely.

5.) Travel with our mates is also a wonderful time to share in the precious moments and experiences of life. I can remember a time when I was traveling for my company going from meeting to meeting, city to city without her. I even went to Disneyland without her, it wasn't the same. Even sleeping in a hotel room far away from home wasn't the same. Now we have the time to be together but the kids are grown up and out on their own. Had I chosen wisely? I needed employment, to earn money, to pay for all our bills, to put a roof over our heads and food on the table. I had chosen a road that seemed wise at the moment. Only time will tell.

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