Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Last curtain call, the show is over.

Well, I tried. I wrote several blogs that I thought were relevant to today’s world. But I have to face the facts., and others like that were designed for the late teen to early thirty group. It’s wasted on everyone else. It’s great for meeting friends of your friends and their friends etc. It’s great source for photo exchange, to show pictures of the relatives, acquaintances, immediate family, vacation sites, parties and so on. Its’ a twenty-first century neighborhood bulletin board. It’s a great source to share trivial, nonsensical information.

It’s a lousy place for developing literary works or to vent your spleen, or getting others to share or critique your views. Who cares what you think, that’s your problem. Live with it; deal with it. Get a life. Where the next party? Did you see so and so? Hot huh?

I feel let down, disappointed, crushed. So if you got any questions about car problems, relationships, money or finances, ask me. Otherwise I’m dead in the water. No propulsion system.


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