Wednesday, October 31, 2007

You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.

How far should journalism, radio, TV, newspapers or magazines go? Reporting is good as we find out what's going on, we have an "open society." But should we give out information that could possibly be damaging, hurtful or used in an improper manner. Case in point: a police officer who specialized in narcotic busts for nearly a decade finds himself in a predicament when he moves to another part of the state and arrested the mayor's son for possession of methamphetamines. He then arrested a city councilman for driving with a bag of pot and a gun. Four years later our police officer has had enough of small town politics and quits.

On the other side of the police cruiser, he finds himself in a nasty divorce case where his ex brother-in-law, a constable, tries to remove his two daughters with a court order. He is even arrested for returning rental movies late and well as unlawfully carrying a gun. All the charges were eventually reduced or dropped. Our friend was angry and figured out a way to get back and make money at the same time. He makes a DVD showing how avoid arrest.

At this point the producer of the radio program should have stopped. You know all the particulars; the story has been laid out for you. Ah, but the show goes on to tell the name of the DVD, actually give some of the helpful tips and has a picture of the DVD cover on its website. It gives you everything but the ISBN number (or Library of Congress call number) the price and which stores you can purchase this. Dog bits man is not news, but man bits dog, that's news. It was done just as tacky as well.

I expect more from my radio station (and this was non-profit public radio to boot) I expect following a code of ethics, commonsense and decorum of decency. It was way more that the general public needed to know.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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