Thursday, October 4, 2007

Speak well of the person at whose table you eat--German proverb

When my kids were younger we took them to a pediatric dentist. In order to allay their fears he had them stick up a finger whenever they felt that they had had enough. It was direct communication between doctor and patient. There are other times when we as a people have said "enough," like when Jane Fonda went to North Vietnam. Now as she is nears her senior citizen years she would like to win back the favor of her former fans. But Hanoi Jane, we have had "enough" Don't ever think that you will be the pinup girl of retired servicemen. Before they die, more than one serviceman will want to whiz on your grave.

We had "enough" of O.J. Simpson; and "enough" of Michael Vick and his dog abuse case. We had "enough" of Britney Spears and her role as a mother under the influence of drugs. We're tied of seeing high paid celebrities thinking that they are above the law and can do anything they want. They are not gods.

Then we have LeBron James who wore a New York Yankees cap at the opening game of the American League Playoff. The television producers seeing a media moment interview James who said he hoped the Yankees would win. Was LeBron that hungry for exposure? It would be as if the entire Indians team went to the Cavaliers/Knicks game on November 2 and rooted for New York. Bad taste, hell yes! If LeBron were trying to say in a subtle way that he would like to be released, let him go. He plays for Cleveland and if heart and loyalty are not there, who needs him. I'm sure there are budding, talented college players who would love to play for Cleveland at even a third of the price that we pay LeBron. Applications are being accepted.


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