Friday, October 19, 2007

Peck and Beckett forever. Not!

Danielle Peck, a country music singer, who also happened to at one time, date Red Sox starting pitcher Josh Beckett, sang the national anthem and "God Bless America' in game 5 in the American League playoff. "It's an incredible coincidence. Honestly," said Indians spokesman Bob DiBiasio. "She's from (Coshocton) Ohio. Her entire family are Indians fans. We did not know anything about her connections to Beckett. The next day, we find out the rest of the story," said DiBiasio.

With that kind of resolve, Beckett did everything right - 11 strikeouts, just one walk and five strikeouts which helped to give the Red Sox a 7-1 victory. Beckett's reaction after the game? "I don't get paid to make those (expletive) decisions," Beckett snapped. "Thanks for flying one of my friends to the game so she could be here for free."

Did any one know in the Indian's Front Office know that Peck and Beckett were ex's? "How are we supposed to know who Josh Beckett dates?" asked DiBiasio. Hmmm. Machiavellian style intrigue? It's like having your ex be the opening act at your concert début. A little heavy handed? Oh yes, especially if causes an extra surge of testosterone that cause them to want to kick ass. It backfired. Hey Indian's Front Office, how about little more investigative work before making those decisions; and don't call Roseanne Barr either.


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