Wednesday, October 10, 2007

“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” George Santayana (1863-1952) philosopher/poet

We bought a new couch and in the process of moving the old one out, I came across material that had been trapped underneath. Outside of the dust bunnies, there was some material that brought back memories. “Why was I saving that?” “ So there is where that object went; I was looking for it.” “What is that?” if I couldn’t recognize it, it was automatically thrown away, and so on. It was a time capsule right under my very nose (err seat).

I reminisced of times gone by, of evenings fallen asleep on that couch, of the ends of TV shows never seen. I remembered having conversations with people that had visited us. There were recollections of unfinished projects. “Weren’t those the plans we were looking for?” After some thoughtful musings I snapped back into reality. Hey, if I didn’t miss it, I didn’t need it. Right? But why would I start to put my newly found treasures away in a safe place to be forgotten once again? Human nature? Hardly, some people are pack rats; others are very specific collectors, and still other save absolutely nothing. There is no universal description of the human nature.

I looked around the newly cleaned room and the empty space. Did we really need to spend THAT kind of money for just two seats? Ah, but culture and the times we live in demand it. We are but slaves to fashion and convention.


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