Thursday, September 6, 2007

“If a politician isn’t doing it to his wife, then he’s doing it to his country.” Amy Grant, singer/song writer

Should politics and the public media mix? In particular, Barack Obama has become the pet project of Oprah Winfrey. Now Oprah has enough clout and loyal public following that she can just about do anything she wants. She is quite a public entity in her own right and command quite a bit of respect. If Barack Obama is buying time on her show (and I don't mean the one dollar payment to show that he actually paid money) that is one thing, but if she is offering this totally free that is another. If he is paying money, that particular show on which he appears should be labeled as a "Paid Political Announcement."

A public forum show is just that, an unbiased place where politicians can speak without debate to a friendly, receptive audience. If Oprah makes Barack Obama the only politician who speaks on her show, she has defeated the free speech movement. Yes, she can have any guest she chooses, but can her show become the exclusive forum for a single candidate?

Yes, other celebrities have endorsed candidates. Some such as Barbara Streisand have personally contributed the maximum amount, $2300.00 to each of the democratic candidates. But Oprah is more than several celebrities combined. Her show is almost an institution in itself, and as such should take this responsibility seriously.


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