Saturday, September 8, 2007

“Could we live it all over again, were it worth the pain!” Roses & Rue by Oscar Wilde

What would you do differently if you could do it over again? Would you have finished your education and gotten that degree or advanced certification needed for your field of employment? Would you have married that person you were so passionate about when you were younger and you thought you could not live without? Or by contrast are you sorry you did marry the person you wound up with? Would you have taken that trip— either vacation, new job or gone away to school? Would have spent that money and bought that item you thought was a bargain or are you sorry you didn't save the money for when you really need it?

Like it or not we are a species of second guessers. We sit back and think what if. What if I had…and then our mind trails off into that trance that looks like we're a million miles away. We really not totally satisfied with our present lot and wish we had done things differently. I my own life I think back, what if we had tried once more for that little daughter that my wife and I had so much talked about. Her name would have been Rebecca Anne. She would be about twenty-three by now, finished with college and starting an exciting, on the cutting edge of technology, career. Or she could have been a jobless, single, unwed mother with three kids always dropping them off at our door trying to chase another dead-end romance. Or fate would have it that we would have had another son.

Come to think of I'm glad things turn out the way they did. I married a wonderful woman who puts up with my eccentricities and peculiarities. We have had a simple but caring life. It certainly wasn't boring or uneventful. I've got to remember that God puts events into our lives to strengthen us and not demoralize or tear us down.



Anonymous said...

You son missed your birthday and hates you.

Anonymous said...

Your son is too cheap to buy you a birthday present

Anonymous said...

i'm here cuz you're son isn't smart enough to remember your bday and is too cheap to get you something as a result

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry your son converted to Judaism. Better luck next time.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! Forget these other guys, they're meanies.

JJ Moneysauce said...

Silent touch of love
Nighttime remedy lively
Forgot how to love

The quick brown foxxx jumped over your lazy son.

TotalWHAT? Totalblog.

Anonymous said...

Who are you people!!? What's this about my son??!?!

Anonymous said...

enjoy the aids

not your personal army

Anonymous said...

It seems the worst of TF has come to show their ignorance. Your son only wished for you to have a happy birthday. Happy belated birthday!

/sure your son loves you very much
//the rest of you are a bunch of meanies
///except MissFeas

Anonymous said...

Sorry your son forgot your birthday, and compounded the affront by opening the floodgates of retarded internet losers to flood your blog. He didn't realize what he was doing.

Happy birthday +1!

Anonymous said...

I tough myself to MissFease's pics.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Okay. I dont know what the heck is going on in here but I've got your IP addresses now and I' mgoing to have to ccal the cops unless some smart aleck wants to tell me just what the heck is going on here and let me know that my son is alright. He's been through a lot, but he's a good boy and I don't believe you for a minute "robert r."

Anonymous said...

Alright,that's a relief. but who is this Micha person and why is my son hanging out online with Dutch sheisse-film stars?

JJ Moneysauce said...

You know, lingonberries are pretty tasty, even though they are pretty sour. A bit of sugar in those bad boys and you got yourself a heckofa tasty product!

JJ Moneysauce said...

k: your son, bless him, posted a thread to a website asking for people to go to your blog. I don't think he anticipated how badly it would turn out. I just came to post nonsense but, as you can see, others are less careful.

Happy Birthday you magnificent...guy!

Anonymous said...

I will second JJ $ and say that this was just some fun funniness and then jackasses posted the long strings of jackassness. Happy Bday.

Anonymous said...

Just what exactly is going on here? Who are all of you and why are you doing this?

You got spam-linked and people are messing with you. Close your comments for a few days.

Anonymous said...

Sorry about all the jackasses on here. Most of them aren't normally this bad. Hope you have a happy birthday!

Anonymous said...

I was told there would be punch and pie here. I was lied to.

Anonymous said...


I just want to let you know how proud I am of your son.


What a thoughtful young man.