Tuesday, December 25, 2007

On the first day of Christmas my true love sent to me...

Well, the packages were all brought to the Christmas tree, carefully wrapped and loving placed there. They were selected for their relevance to their intended recipient, whether it was Mom or Dad, Uncle Dan or Aunt Sue. Each was meticulously chosen as if we were trying to make the best impression on that person for our very first meeting. The bows and ribbons are straight, the paper creaseless, and the anticipation overwhelming. And then the magic moment arrives. We eagerly wait for the gush of emotion as our intended profusely thanks us for our kindness and thoughtfulness.

But it never happens. If our gift opener is a very young child, the moment of expression lasts only as long until the next gift is presented and is torn open. The packaging: boxes, bows and paper lie scatter about as if a refuse heap. All our labor in wrapping and the selection process proves futile. It's the wrong color, size, type, "I have one just like it," etc. Perhaps teachers and people who specialize in social graces could instruct us how to lie with conviction. "Oh my God, how did you know it's just what I was looking for?" "This is just what I wanted, it's perfect." This last saying must be used very carefully if you're getting more than one gift at a family gathering, "This is the best gift I've even received."

We must realize that as the gift giver, the intended receiver has the ability to make or break this occasion. The giver in turn, has the ability to encourage its reception with the words "I spent all afternoon looking for this, especially for you, I do hope you like it." The guilt trip. Ah, the Christmas season, no wonder it comes only once a year.


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