Saturday, December 1, 2007

Could you be the next pistol packin’ Mama?

Well, the results are in; the United States is not first in the world in murders by guns per 1000 peoples. We 're only the eight, which certainly should make the National Rifle Association happy (they always feel their being picked on for their stance on the right to bare arms). The number one country is South Africa, followed by Columbia, Thailand, Zimbabwe, Mexico, Belarus, and Costa Rica. U.S. is next followed by Uruguay, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Estonia, the former Yugoslav Republic (now Macedonia), Bulgaria, Portugal and Slovenia. Switzerland is number 19 (don't piss off the Swiss, they make more than just knives) then Canada, Germany, Moldova, Hungary, Poland, Ukraine, Ireland, Australia. Denmark is 28 then Spain, Azerbaijan, New Zealand, and last on this list the United Kingdom.

What are the five worst states in the U.S. and what are the five best based on the firearm death rate per 100,000 people. The worst place although not a state is the District of Columbia. Isn't that where the NRA has their national headquarters? No wonder Charleston Heston, former NRA president said "I'll give up my gun when they pry it from my cold dead hands." He packed a gun to work each day. Number one state is (surprise) Alaska followed by Louisiana, Wyoming Arizona, Mississippi and Nevada. Hawaii was the safest, while the next safest is Massachusetts, Connecticut, New Jersey and Rhode Island.

A several states have absolutely no gun restrictions at all; they are: Idaho, Kentucky, Mississippi, New Hampshire, New Mexico, Utah and Wyoming. Which means anything goes. Now, knowing this don't you feel much safer?


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