Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Ho Ho HO little girl (or boy) What do you want for Christmas?

Now that Christmas is rapidly approaching, you have your Wish List all ready to go—to give to anyone who is willing to listen. If we could just eavesdrop upon ourselves we would hear "I want that and that and one of those, and may I have that please…" The real problem is that we are unappeasable, like an unquenchable fire. We must have more and more. "If I only had that new widget, I'd be happy." Then we get the widget, are we happy and satisfied? No! We want some thing else—today's latest and greatest, not yesterdays. Case in point: do you even remember what you received last Christmas?

I don't know if it's human nature or Western Culture that drives us this way. At any rate, if we were to hear ourselves, perhaps make a recording and listen to it a year or even ten years from now, we would sound like spoiled brats. The very item we want so badly will be tomorrow's junk and discard. Remember seeing parents standing hours in line to give their children a Cabbage Patch doll? Remember seeing people fight to get into that line? More recently we have seen people fight for an Ipod or Xbox 360? We really do need an attitude adjustment.

I remember going to a large school sponsored rummage sale; carefully packed away was a vintage reel-to-reel tape recorder. Nobody wanted it. It was just clutter. The real shame is that in its day this equipment was a very desirable piece, top-of-the-line. Today it's junk.

Please don't forget the real reason for this season, the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ, our Savior and King.


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