Sunday, May 25, 2008

So he asked Jesus, "And who is my neighbor?" Luke 10:29

I had one of the most frightening experiences that I ever had. Yes, guys can have bad experiences as well. I had just finished driving thirty minutes on the freeway, had gotten off the exit ramp and was making a left hand turn to continue on to my office. My car died. I tried to restart it over and over again without any luck; I was not succeeding. There I was stuck in to the middle of traffic, frustrated, and surrounded by hostile drivers and unsympathic horns, feeling very sorry for myself. I heard the sound of a very familiar voice from a rolled down car window— it was "M" from my office. "K, do you need any help, is there something I can do?" I blurted out "I think I can get it started if I had a can of starting fluid," I said. "Where can I find it?" she replied and after receiving me instructions she drove off.

Another car pulled up; it was a second co-worker, "L" with her darling blond haired child in a car seat behind her. Even though she had the day off, and was going to her mother's house, she asked that familiar question as well "How can I help?" I start to feel better already when a third co-worker "J" called me on my cell phone and asked me if I was all right. I assured her help was on its way when the fourth co-worker, Sean pulled up behind me in his car. His four-way flashers signaled others behind him of my distress and not to use our lane. How can I say this without being silly? Sean was the best thing that ever happened to me just at that moment: he is very a familiar face, a confidant, and better yet a good friend.

For the next hour and a half he stayed with me, we joked, traded stories back and forth and tried to trouble shoot the no start problem. When "M" arrived with the stating fluid, he helped me try to restart my reluctant vehicle. He was my lifesaver, keeping me from going ballistic, or absolutely insane. The police arrived and finally the AAA tow truck, yet Sean stayed with me the entire time even giving me a ride to the office as well as helping me to chase down the parts needed to make the repairs.

These four people personify the story of "The Good Samaritan." I really can't say enough about them, some of which are less than half my age and old enough to be my children. They are a true friends who I shall always be thankful.


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