Tuesday, May 13, 2008

The Lord is my Sheppard... He Restores my Soul

My experiences this past week, have put me into a stunning, traumatic shock. Could I be so oblivious to the world around me that I could not see what was happening? Was I so trusting that I was setting myself up for the biggest downfall of my life? Did I have horse's blinders next to my eyes? We see our children grow up before our very eyes, watch them metamorphous into adolescence and then mature into adulthood. Then we turn them nonchalantly loose. We turn them loose into a world, like sheep that are sent out into a pasture full of lurking, ravenous wolves, waiting to pounce upon them like so much meat at a butcher's shop window.

We as parents can only watch, hope and pray that all will turn out OK. We can only trust those eighteen years of education in school, teachings in Judaeo-Christian principles and instruction in scruples and ethics, have had an effect. It is like making a cake, we have mixed together all the ingredients, have set the timer, turned up the heat and have put the cake into the oven. Now, what remains is to watch and see (and hope for the perfect cake). If the makeup of materials lack something, if the temperature is incorrect, if the over door is opened at the wrong time, the cake will fail. They say that each of us has a guardian angle, pray for two angles for each of your children. One to diligently watch and the other to standby as a backup— a redundant system, just in case.


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