Tuesday, May 13, 2008

My Country ’tis of Thee, Sweet Land of Liberty..."

I have a friend who is going blind. He has had sight difficulties since high school some forty years ago, but now the doctors tell him that here is nothing more they can do for him. How very final that sounds; blindness is just around the corner. There is nothing that I can do for him except be there to hear his frustrations, listen to his dashed hopes and befriend him.

Today, Mrs. K. and I went over to his house and talked to him and his wife. He wanted to put up an American flag so he could still see it before he totally lost his sight. Two holidays are coming up: Memorial Day and Fourth of July and he wanted to be prepared. The two of us spent some time deciding where to mount the flagstaff, finally deciding to place it on a fencepost right outside of his front door. The sun shone brilliantly on it, really lighting it up. He was very pleased with the results and I was happy that the two of us could work on it together. He was never able to serve country even though he had gone to enlist. Yet, he is as patriotic as anyone you could ever find.

What brought me to write this blog is that he gave me almost all of his entire collection of military history books; some five shopping bags filled to the top. These were his favorite pastime. You could almost say that he was a voracious reader and was very knowledgeable of American wars. I can't imagine what I would do if blindness was my ultimate fate. He is still very optimistic; he and his wife went out and bought an illuminated optical viewer so he can read the books he hadn't given away.

If there ever was a person who could use a prayer to stop the progress of his blindness (or even possibly reverse the outcome) my friend could use it. His name is Ron and I don't he'll mind if you put in a good word for him with the Man Upstairs. God has helped the blind to see before.


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