Saturday, April 12, 2008


I received this from a friend and I thought I’d pass it a long; we had been discussing a new miniature computer keyboard

"K., I suspect eventually we will be able to talk directly to the computer with no need for the keyboard. In a manner of speaking, we already have this technology available in some cell phones.

"On the other hand ... we still have 45 million people with no health insurance, more than a million abortions every year, 20 percent of our people cannot read or write well enough to fill out an employment application or follow instructions on a prescription label, a high school dropout rate of 40 percent, and an old poor lady in her nineties, living on East 92nd street off Cedar, who eats canned cat food because that is all she can afford.

"We have laser-guided bombs that can seek out and kill someone virtually anywhere on earth, enough nuclear warheads to wipe out the earth completely, and troops in more than seventy countries around the world. Yet, we have one of the highest infant mortality rates, are way down the list of life expectancy for industrialized countries, and people in the prime of their life who are dying because they cannot afford the medications they require to sustain life.

"Lots ’o luck!"

Unfortunately this is true, it happens as a result of the importance we place on our priorities. If the welfare of the mankind were the topmost objective, things would be a lot different. We have a lot to learn and oh so little time to do it in.

Wishing all of you a very pleasant religious holiday.


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