Saturday, April 12, 2008

Florida Teen Beating Video Taped

Polk County Florida prosecutors have decided to charge seven teens -- accused of pummeling a 16-year-old high school cheerleader and videotaping it for YouTube and MySpace -- as adults. An eighth teen is 18 years old and is considered by law as an adult.

All eight face charges of battery and kidnapping, punishable by up to life in prison. The six girls doing the beating range in age from 14 to 17 years old while the two boys who posted themselves as lookouts are 17 and 18 years old. Three of the girls face additional charges of tampering with a witness, which carries up to a five-year prison term.

The beating victim knocked unconscious, has bruises, a concussion and damage to her left ear and eye, although her family said she is expected to recover. The family would like a public apology from the girls, and they also want a law to protect kids on video and social-networking Web sites. The victim plans to continue her schooling at home rather than return to her high school.

The grandmother of one of the girls who was arrested says her family is suffering, too. The beating is alleged to have happened at her house while she was at work. Since the Sheriff's Office released the video this week, she has been receiving threatening, obscenity-laced telephone calls, and someone scratched her car.

Other parents of the perpetrators denied their child wasn't even at the scene, claiming they were in school or that it was a fair fight because it was one-on-one.Opinions on the Internet range from shock to disgust and outrage.


Some material quoted from the Orlando Sentinal

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