Sunday, February 3, 2008

Partnership in the Family Training

Teaching kids to become good parents in not something that you learn in school (although it should be), it’s assumed that this is taught in the home. If the home life is flawed, so is the teaching. Having had some formal teacher training (but never went into the field) I think I can speak with a little experience. We expect our children to learn everything necessary in life thought our educational process. Parents literally take a backseat in the educational process; they except their children will learn it all at school. Since there are only so many hours in a day, something has to give and one of them is the rules of the family.

1. You don’t discipline a child when you have had a rough day at the job or when you’re pissed off.

2. You don’t take your frustrations out on your spouse.

3. Your attitude (or lack of it) will get you into more trouble than you can imagine. Don’t force it on others; you may be the ultimate looser.

4. Drinking or drugs are not way to solve your problems. They can only lead to more problems. You life is not just your life; it is involved with the whole family. They depend upon you.
5. Go home after work; don’t think that going out with the work gang is the solution to your problems. They may actual be the problem. Tell your spouse that you are happy to see them and they are the bright spot of your day (and actually mean it).

6. Truly love your children and tell them so. Tell them how happy you are when they came into your life, that you love them and they mean the whole world to you. Watch how they react to this and you will be amazed. Love is contagious.

7. Help your spouse out around the house; assist them any why you can. No one likes to do it all alone.

8. Don’t nag you spouse thinking you will get them to do something. You don’t like it when someone does this to you, what makes you think that your spouse will like it any better?

9. Everyone makes mistakes. Comfort your spouse or child when you see they realize they screwed up.

10. You’re not invincible, you’re not the end-all to all problems or solutions, and you’re not the only one with an opinion. Loosen up!


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