Sunday, February 10, 2008

Baby It's Cold Outsise

It’s cold outside; and the temperature will continue to drop well below freezing. The oil in the car’s crankcase is the thickness of molasses. It will take several minutes of running before it will warm up to anything resembling a free flowing liquid. Material goods such as wooden picnic tables or fences, protective plastic covers and metal steering components on cars become brittle and take on new physical properties completely different than their milder weather counterparts. Simply put, they break under strain that normally would never affect them. Car windows, doors and locks are prone to freezing. Car batteries become 50% as efficient during deep cold cycles. Cursing in frustration becomes a new occupation.

Going outside becomes difficult as exposed flesh of the face, ears, hands give up their precious heat to the brutally cold temperature. Walking the dog becomes a chore for both animal and human; the only difference between the two is that the animal knows when it’s time to seek shelter. The human will try to extend his endurance to the cold out of ignorance, pride or pleasure, sometimes a combination of all three. The sensation of pain during the thawing frostbite is a great reminder of our stupidity.

Our only consolation to these extremes is out memory of the pleasant spring weather that is just around the corner. These include our thoughts of the early flowers, the tree buds and grass shoots that begin to carpet our lawns and parks. Also coming to mind are the visions of road repair crews as they rid the street of the cavernous chuckholes that pox the surfaces. So cheer up, spring is just a robin’s chirp away.


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