Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Those who cannot learn from the past are forced to relive it (over & over).

If you had predicted this, I wouldn't have believed that I would have written nearly 100 blog comments. I couldn't explain why I started this in the summer of 2007. Was it merely to have expressed an opinion, to test my skills as a writer or some other reason? I don't know. At one time I was ready to cash it all in and give up completely. A friend at work, who reads most of these blogs, encouraged me to continue. "Give it time," was his comment. So far I've had over 2000 "hits" which is very surprising as well.

Topics written about include my aversion to the wide spread use of guns and our total apathy to stricter gun regulation (notice I didn't use the word control). I still would like to see greater national gun regulation. For example, just a few days ago, a cop was killed in Mansfield, OH by no less than his own brother, a corrections officer. Both were licensed to own and carry guns as part of their job. Is there nothing that could have been done in this instance? It has been reported that the murdering brother was on medication for being bipolar. He was bipolar and allowed to carry a gun? What gives here? Where was the doctor who prescribed the drugs, the superior officer of this brother who must have known about his condition, and the family of the brothers in this example? Was everyone just nodding his or her head, sleeping? Didn't anyone have any foreside as to what could have happened? This young police officer didn't have to die and leave a mourning wife and child. It is totally unacceptable.

Gun regulation will only occur when all of us are so fed up with this carnage that our voice will become loud enough for legislator to hear across the country. This is a political year; the politicians want your vote and will promise almost anything to get it. Make sure that your opinions are heard. Write, phone or email your politicians on the local, state and national levels to let them know how you feel. Remember, your voice can, will and should be heard.


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