Wednesday, January 2, 2008

The Golden What?

Well I did it; I borrowed my wife's computer and crashed it. You have to understand, my wife is very possessive of her property and doesn't want anyone borrowing it without her permission or worse, wrecking it. An that is exactly what I did, I screwed it up and it took hours, several phone calls to my IT employed son and a network download to get it back into operation. You'd think that by now I would have learned.

Since we all make mistakes you would assume that we would have learned by them. The smart ones of us do, the rest of us keep making the same mistakes over and over again. What is it with us and why do we do this? To the alcoholic, it requires intervention via Alcoholic Anonymous, a sponsor and meeting attendance to make it work or they'll keep getting into trouble. The chemically dependent they have a similar organization and for the minor criminal, its jail time and /or shock probation. Some how we just don't learn until it's too late.

Of course the best idea is to never do the incorrect thing in the first place. By now, as adults, we should have learned to treat others, as we would like to be treated. It's called the Golden Rule. Most of us ignore it completely, we're looking for that instant response, that short cut, the get rich quick scheme, or that idea that rules are for other people and not really for us. We are our own worst enemies and the trouble is we haven't caught on to the consequences of our actions. Well, practice makes perfect, and perfection would be to put ourselves in that other person's position each and every time we're about to do something—outrageous or stupid.


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