Tuesday, January 15, 2008

And just when you thought you had seen it all....

While the Screen Writers Guild strike is still on and you’re sick of looking at reruns and syndicated reruns, you must log on to YouTube.com if not for the fun of it at least for the education. There you will find an eleven year old girl field stripping her father’s semi automatic AR15. In today’s day and age it may not be her father’s civilian version of a military rifle but her very own. She was damn good at it too; she took it apart and put it back together in time that would make a Marine recruit blush. Imagine a drill instructor saying, “Its’ so easy an eleven year old girl can do it.” I also saw an anorexic, ninety-pound bikini clad girl shoot her boyfriends Desert Eagle. The recoil was so violent (or she was so under nourished) the barrel of the gun flew back and hit her in the nose.

Another young women discussed the nuances of the 1911 model semi automatic pistol. I didn’t know that several manufacturers made the same gun to government specifications or that it came in single or double action versions; it also it available with single or double stack magazines in various calibers. And still a forth young woman (possibly the older sister of our eleven year old field stripper) pointed out the features of daddy’s AR15 and shot off a few rounds for emphasis.

The most dramatic scene however, was when “dad” showed off his home modified, totally automatic AR15. He proceeded to demonstrate its ability to fire off 300 rounds in less than a minute, which included 3 magazine changes. Now that’s “protection.” If you’re a hunter you could feed the whole city with the rapid way you could knock down a gaggle of geese. You would need a kennel of dogs to fetch the carcasses to bring them home. I really wouldn’t call that type of hunting a “sport.” But hey this is America and he does have the right to bear arms. What is even more interesting is that he transported all this equipment to the gun range in his car with his family. Restrictions, what restrictions? This is America and he can do whatever he damn well pleases. Wouldn’t you feel safer living in the house next to his? “Look Dad, more geese.”


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